ACCLifeSci – Advanced Analytical Chemistry for Life Sciences


Elżbieta Skrzydlewska

Investigador Responsável CESAM

Maria do Rosário Domingues


Erasmus +


01/09/2015 - 31/08/2018

Financiamento Total

298631 €

Instituição Proponente

Universidade de Białystok, Polónia

Advanced Analytical Chemistry for Life Sciences (ACCLifeSci) is an educational and scientific project coordinated by prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Skrzydlewska, the Dean of MUB’s Faculty of Pharmacy with the Division of Laboratory Medicine, financed from Erasmus+ Programme and implemented by a partnership of three Universities: Medical University of Białystok, Faculty of Pharmacy with the Division of Laboratory Medicine (The Leader); Aveiro University (Portugal, partner) and University San Pablo-CEU (Spain, partner)

Omics technologies are a main tool in the current research into identifying biomarkers of civilization diseases. However, this technology is complex and there is a lack of trained professional in this area. Also, although Advanced Analytical Chemistry (AAC)/omics is usually included in PhD courses through theoretical/practical classes, the number of specialized units/teams with access to dedicated equipment needed for a comprehensive approach is limited. There is also a lack of AAC-qualified academics, didactic materials or a system for an experience exchange at all levels. Thus, all through Europe, only few PhD students can be fully trained in AAC, instrumental analysis or data handling or acquire the skills necessary to integrate AAC with the needs of health service, hospital diagnostic labs, business or labour market. Currently, the PhD programme in Biochemistry of the University of Aveiro is fully capable of providing this advanced formation.

The aims of this Erasmus+ funded project is to adapt the study programmes in the three Partner Universities to the needs of the health service in the area of the use of Advanced Analytical Chemistry techniques in omics through an exchange of experiences at the European level. The project will contribute to the improvement of quality and adequacy of education, by adapting programmes of studies dedicated to PhD students, in order to prepare them to the labour market. The project will support the internationalization of the European system of higher education through joint preparation and implementation of a programme of studies at the three Universities (Chemistry Department Aveiro (Portugal), Faculty of Pharmacy with the Division of Laboratory Medicine University of Białysto (Poland)and the University San Pablo-CEU (Spain)).

membros do CESAM no projeto