Advanced Course on Protein Profiling of Microorganisms


Ana Cristina Esteves


Atividades de Reforço da Capacidade Científica - Projetos de desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior


29/06/2012 - 30/06/2012

Financiamento para o CESAM

2031 €

Financiamento Total

2031 €

Proteomics is a fundamental step on systems biology, allowing the holistic comprehension of organisms and their interactions with other organisms and with their habitat.

The course will provide hands-on experience on proteomic experiments and fundamental knowledge for the analysis of results.

Focus will be on protein extraction methods, mono and bi-dimensional electrophoresis, functional proteomics, image analysis and trouble shooting. A major attention will be given to applications in microbiology, with emphasis in host-pathogen interactions, antibiotic resistance and microbial fitness.

Language will be English. A maximum of 20 students will be admitted. This course combines lectures and practical work.

membros do CESAM no projeto

Artur Jorge da Costa Peixoto Alves

Professor Associado com Agregação