PERICLES – PrEseRvIng and sustainably governing Cultural heritage and Landscapes in European coastal and maritime regionS


Alyne Delaney

Investigador Responsável CESAM

Cristina B. Pita


Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programm


01/05/2018 - 30/04/2021

Financiamento para o CESAM

198751 €

Financiamento Total

2498998 €

Instituição Proponente

Aalborg University, Denmark

Instituições Participantes

  • Wageningen University, Netherlands
  • Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, France
  • University of the Highlands and Islands, UK
  • The Queen's University of Belfast, UK
  • The Scottish Association for Marine Science, UK
  • Muinsuskaitseamet, Estonia
  • Syndacat Mixte de Gestion du Parc Naturel Regional du Golfe du Morbihan, France
  • Ellinikos Georgikos Organismos - Dimitra, Greece


[conteúdo apenas disponível em inglês]

PERICLES promotes sustainable governance of cultural heritage (CH) in European coastal and maritime regions through the development of a theoretically grounded, multi-actor participatory framework. To meet this challenge, PERICLES has formed a strong interdisciplinary consortium comprised of research institutions, regional government and heritage partners representing 15 different disciplines. PERICLES addresses the following objectives: a) develop an in-depth, situated understanding of the CH of marine and coastal land/seascapes, including knowledge across local, spatial, environmental, social and economic aspects; b), develop practical tools, based on stakeholder involvement and participatory governance, for mapping, assessing and mitigating risks to CH and to enhance sustainable growth and increase employment by harnessing CH assets; c), provide policy advice to improve integration of CH in key marine and environmental policies and the implementation of associated EU directives; and d), develop effective knowledge exchange networks. To fulfill these objectives PERICLES uses a scientific approach guided by the theories of: a) space, place, and identity; b) resilience and adaptation; and c) deliberative and participatory governance. We will apply a range of participatory, deliberative and action research methods from the social sciences and arts directly involving decision-makers, stakeholders and the public. PERICLES meets the needs of the work program by: contributing to European efforts to promote evidence-based research on the impact of participatory approaches in CH policies and governance; using a multi- and transdisciplinary approach; addressing in/tangible CH in a geographically balanced way; involving and developing CH networks of local stakeholders and policy makers; and contributing to improved implementation of European policies on coastal zones and maritime areas and providing evidence on how to link environmental and cultural policies.

membros do CESAM no projeto

Ana Isabel Lillebo Batista

Investigadora Principal com Agregação

Cristina Brice Pita

Professora Auxiliar Convidada

Maria de Fátima Lopes Alves

Professora Associada com Agregação