The Ria de Aveiro has been subdue to Human action to enable the lagoon harbour navigability. The most visible impact has been at Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL), were the land has been affected by surface saltwater intrusion. Salinization reduces soil productivity, causing the abandonment of agriculture. The completion of the floodbank construction will carry out environmental/ecological changes in the BVL. It is expected to avoid surface saltwater intrusion, however this cannot ensure the absence of saline groundwater intrusion. Hither way it is crucial to acquire benchmark conditions before the intervention in order to monitor the future evolution of the salinization process in BVL. SoilSalt will provide the benchmark for the actual status, extension and degree of soil degradation that will support the identification of potential future hazards or salinization attenuation processes. SoilSalt aims establishing the link between farmers and academics supporting the development of the Estarreja Strategic Development Plan 2015-2025.