Ana Luísa Patrício Silva

graus académicos

2012-2015: PhD in Biology, branch Ecotoxicology and Biology of Stress, by the University of Aveiro, Portugal (Supervisors: Dra. Mónica Amorim and Prof. Martin Holmstrup).
2004-2006: Master in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, by the University of Porto, Portugal (Supervisor: Prof. Paulo Alexandrino).
1998 – 2003: Degree in Biology and Geology, educational area, by the University of Algarve, Portugal.

interesses de investigação

Currently focused on the assessment of the biodegradation processes of bio-based and fuel-based plastics and their eco(toxico)logical effects in terrestrial and aquatic environments.

Research topics: Analytical methods, Ecotoxicology, combined stressors, sub-cellular to community endpoints.


Bolseiro De Investigação: Diogo Ferreira Filipe
Master: Sara Silva
Master: Diogo Filipe
Master: Rafael Silva
Pesquisa: Sara Silva
Estágio/projeto: Nuno Trindade
Grant Holder (msc): Ana Luísa Felgueiras De Brito Machado
Master: Laís Henrique Cícero