CASCADE Project Plenary meeting


The 5th Plenary meeting of the CASCADE Project took place May 24-28 at the EC’s Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy. The meeting covered research updates from all partners, plans for integration of results, and planning for the final year. In February 2017 there will be a final meeting in Matera, Italy, to share recommendations with stakeholders and policy makers, at both local and EU levels.

CASCADE Project partners are completing experiments and modelling to obtain a better understanding of discontinuous shifts, or tipping points, in dryland ecosystems around the Mediterranean. The study sites in parts of dryland Portugal, Spain, Italy, Crete and Cyprus have been used to establish more precisely the details of changes to the soil and plant ecosystems due to forest fires, overgrazing and land abandonment.

Research results are presented on the Information System CASCADiS as they become available:

The Project Deliverables that have been completed may be viewed or downloaded from the project website: