Eklipse opened a Call for experts on “Building resilient coastal communities through nature-based solutions (NBS) and other empowerment tools”. This is a call put forward by “Socio-economic EMPOWERment of Coastal communities as USers of the sea to ensure sustainable coastal development” (EmpowerUs), and it is open for applications from different fields of expertise to complete an existing Expert Working Group (EWG), to aid on policy-relevant knowledge needs.
Fields of expertise:
- Climate indicators and vulnerability
- Co-creation processes, capacity building and knowledge co-production;
- – Cost-benefit and/or economic impact analysis of nature-based solutions (NBS);
- (E)valuation of cultural ecosystem services;
- Socio-environmental justice;
- On-ground/practical knowledge of empowerment tools for urban/rural/territorial development;
- Participatory and facilitation approaches for management/conservation (i.e. PGIS);
- Engagement of individuals and the private sector including social enterprises.
How to apply:
Before applying by filling the form, please give a thorough read to the call .
Deadline: 14th July, 2023, 23h00 (Lisbon).
For more information, click here.