17 researchers from CESAM featured in the annual report of the Elsevier publishing group

According to a recent study conducted by Stanford University in partnership with the publishing group Elsevier, the Center for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) made its mark with 17 of its researchers among the most influential in the world in 2022. This study, conducted annually, evaluated a large group of approximately 210,000 researchers in the category of “most impactful researchers in 2022” and 205,000 researchers in the category of “most influential and impactful throughout their career.”

Among this remarkable group, CESAM includes the following members: Adelaide Almeida, Alisa Rudnitskaya, Amadeu M. Soares, Ana L. Patrício Silva, Armando C. Duarte, Artur Alves, Bruno Nunes, Célia A. Alves, Celine Justino, David Carvalho, João Pinto da Costa, Maria do Rosário Domingues, Miguel Oliveira, Mónica J.B. Amorim, Ricardo Calado, Rosa Freitas, Teresa Rocha Santos.

The recognition of these CESAM researchers highlights the impact of their scientific contributions on the international stage. The Coordinator of CESAM, Professor Amadeu Soares, notes that “this is another methodology that emphasizes the quality of CESAM. With other parameters of analysis, such as the impact of CESAM on public policies, both national and community-based, other CESAM researchers would undoubtedly appear. So, congratulations to all!”

The study, titled “Elsevier Data Repository,” aims to standardize indicators related to the most cited researchers. This standardization is crucial as it normalizes citation data for each author. Some of the parameters used in this study include the ‘h-index,’ which quantifies an author’s productivity and impact based on their most cited articles; the ‘hm-index,’ adjusted for co-authorship, which quantifies the fractional counting of the most cited articles; citations of articles in different authorship positions; and finally, the composite indicator (c-score), whose main goal is to promote measures against self-citation.