Ascensão dos Anjos Alves Ravara

citation names

Ravara, Ascensão
Ravara, A.

academic degrees

PhD in Biology, University of Aveiro – 2010
MSc in Coastal Zones Sciences, University of Aveiro – 1997
First degree in Biology, University of Aveiro – 1994



Conservation and Care of Natural History Collections

Specify 6 (software for museum research data processing)
Zoologic Nomenclature

Specimen Preparation for SEM: Handling Biological Material for SEM Observation

Scientific Ilustration

Basics of Taxonomy: Describing, Illustrating and Writing Biodiversity
Cladistics and Polychaetes
Geographic Information Systems
Introduction to ArcGis I & II



1999 – Tecniques on curation of marine invertebrates; managment and register of museum colections. Natural History Museum of London, with Dr. Paul Clark and Dr. Gordon Paterson;
1999 – Taxonomy of polychaetes – Paraonidae, ‘scale worms’. Natural History Museum of London, with Dr. Gordon Paterson and Dr. Alex Muir;
2000 – Taxonomy of polychaetes – Syllidae, Sabellidae, Nephtyidae. Universidade Autónoma de Madrid, with Dr. Guillermo San Martín, Dr. Eduardo López, and Dr. António Laborda;
2000 – Taxonomy of polychaetes – Spionidae. Universidade de Alcalá de Henares, with José Manuel Viéitez;
2000 – Taxonomy of polychaetes – Terebellomorpha, Oweniidae. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade da Coruña, with Dr. Júlio Parapar;
2000 – Taxonomy of polychaetes – Phyllodocidae. Museum National de Histoire Naturel de Paris, with Dr. Fredrik Pleijel.
2000 – Marine invertebrate collections and databases; biologic material sampling. Estação de Biologia Marinha do Funchal.
2006 – Molecular analysis. Department of Zoology, University of Gothenburg, with Dr. Helena Wiklund and Dr. Per Sundberg.
2008 – Phylogenetic analysis. Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences (University of Gothenburg), with Dr. Fredrik Pleijel and Dr. Helena Wiklund.


Curation and management of the biological research collection (CoBI) and associated databases
Scientific and technical support for CoBI users
Science communication
Polychaete taxonomy