11th Seminar “Desafios do Mar Português”11th Seminar

09:30 - 17:00

A 11th edition of the seminar “Challenges of the Portuguese Sea” will take place on November 18th at the Maritime Museum of Ílhavo, as part of the National Sea Day celebrations. This time, the seminar will focus on the temporary exhibition “Ocean Sea: Mário Ruivo’s Legacy,” currently on display at the Maritime Museum of Ílhavo, and will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Report of the Independent World Commission on the Oceans.

Mário Ruivo is an indispensable figure in marine sciences, as a biologist, oceanographer, and diplomat, and also as an advocate for a more sustainable relationship between humanity and the ocean. In preserving the memory of the patron of this edition, special emphasis will be given to science education, awareness of marine protection, and ocean strategy, thus bringing academia closer to civil society.

The seminar, featuring the participation of several CESAM members, including Professor Amadeu Soares as a moderator, is organized in partnership with the Mário Soares and Maria Barroso Foundation and the Center for Environmental and Marine Studies. This event is part of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).

Interested individuals can register by emailing ciemar.mmi@cm-ilhavo.pt, providing their name, profession, institution, and contact details.

More information here.