Euromarine – Open Science Day and General Assembly 2024


The Euromarine Network is gearing up for its annual Open Science Day on the 13th of February, themed “Science at the Boundaries: Addressing the Brink of the Social-Ecological and Climatic Tipping Points of Marine Ecosystems.” This event will showcase the scientific contributions of EuroMarine members, Early Career Researchers (ECRs), and spotlight projects funded under the EU Mission Ocean & Waters.

On the 14th of February, EuroMarine will host its annual General Assembly meeting for its members. Representatives from EuroMarine member institutions will convene to approve the network’s activities for 2024. This year’s General Assembly will particularly focus on celebrating the 10th anniversary of the EuroMarine network.

Participation in this event is available both online and on-site at the University of Bologna.

For registration, please click here.
To access the draft agenda, please click here.