On March 27th, a session of the Ocean Break seminar series will take place, from 2:00 pm, via the zoom link https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/99076993652?pwd=MzJVSUthS3p3Q3FxZXJsUytRczRrQT09, which will be presented by Susana Costas, Assistant Researcher at CIMA – University of Algarve.
Complex interactions associated with the growth and response of coastal dunes are tentatively captured by the numerical model DUNA. DUNA is a simplified process-based model, which integrates air flow, sediment transport and vegetation dynamics to reproduce the morphodynamic response along the dune profile. The talk will show some of the improvements implemented on DUNA to include the influence of fetch-limited conditions and to accommodate different wind incidence angles by using projected wind-parallel dune profiles.
Susana Costas is a research assistant at CIMA-University of Algarve. Her research focuses on understanding morphodynamics of low-lying coasts, encompassing a range of spatial and temporal scales and environments. (https://www.cima.ualg.pt/en/team/susana-costas)