Special session of the Ocean Break seminar series

11:00 - 12:30

On March 8th, there will be a special session of the Ocean Break seminar series from 11:00 to 12:30 at the 9.1.1 amphitheater (DEMAC). It will feature presentations by three researchers from the Marine Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology Laboratory of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Geography at the University of Quebec in Rimouski, Canada.

Fanny Vermandele will discuss the importance of gender in coping with extreme events, focusing on the different reactions of male and female Acartia tonsa copepods to hypoxia and marine heatwaves.

Lauric Feugère will explore the varied lipidome responses of Northern shrimp populations to the combined effects of ocean warming and acidification.

Piero Calosi will provide insights into the unique metabolic profiles of large marine organisms in polar regions.

Don’t miss it!