On November 24, 2023, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM, in room 8.1.30 of the Department of Biology at the University of Aveiro, Prof. Dr. João Soares Carrola, Assistant Professor at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD), will conduct a Vector Drawing Workshop with the theme “Creating drawings, diagrams, and maps using PowerPoint.”
The objective of this workshop is to explore the functionalities and advantages of vector drawing, understand and master the main tools of PowerPoint, and develop skills for creating diagrams, drawings, and maps in a simple, personalized, and high-quality manner. The intention is to empower participants to perform these tasks quickly and uncomplicatedly, eliminating the need for complex software.
This training is particularly valuable in preparing slides for conference presentations, creating posters, graphic abstracts, and other contexts where the creation of customized diagrams or drawings is often required. Whether representing methodology, results, trial design, or creating small maps with sampling locations, vector drawing offers various advantages. This workshop highlights the opportunity to explore these advantages through an accessible and user-friendly program, such as PowerPoint.
Free but mandatory registration via email contact inesd@ua.pt.
To participate, it is necessary to bring a laptop and a mouse/mat.
Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills in vector drawing. Join us on November 24 and discover how to leverage the power of PowerPoint in your visual creations.