The Eklipse mechanism, established under the Alternet network umbrella, is inviting experts to join an Expert Working Group (EWG) to contribute to answering an identified policy-relevant knowledge need that requires an in-depth analysis and assessment at the science-policy interface on a request on cumulative impacts of offshore wind farms on marine ecosystems.
Deadline: 7 June 2024
This call appears following a request on “cumulative impacts of offshore wind farms expansions: consequences & solutions for achieving GES across European marine waters” made by the EC’s Directorate-General for Environment (EC-DG ENV) and is funded by the Horizon Europe project “BioAgora- Connecting biodiversity knowledge and decision-making”.
EWG is seeking experts in the following areas: Marine spatial planning; Ecology; Cumulative impact assessments; Marine biodiversity and ecology; Offshore wind energy development; European marine policy, particularly the Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Marine conservation and policy practitioners; Participatory methods; Knowledge synthesis methods.
Eklipse was created to help governments, institutions, businesses and NGOs make better-informed decisions on biodiversity in Europe. It functions in the crucial sphere between science and policy, enabling knowledge exchange about biodiversity and ecosystem services and turning it into action.
The complete call and the form of application are available here.