Call for proposals of Foresight Workshops in marine science research


The international network EuroMarine, of which CESAM is a full member, is funding workshops (FSW) as an opportunity for research teams to scope and collaborate on an existing or emerging topic in marine science research. Workshops should take an innovative, ‘horizon scanning’ approach to the topic. A maximum of €7.500 will be available for each funded workshop (3 workshops are expected to be funded).

Deadline: 30 August 2024

Foresight Workshops proposals must have a clear foresight dimension and aim for a scientific publication as the final outcome. While the call welcomes submissions on a broad range of marine topics, the Steering Committee strongly encourages proposals addressing EuroMarine priorities, as defined in EuroMarine’s 2018 publication ‘Ocean Frontiers for Sustainable Development Manifesto’, the Ocean Decade and the EU Mission ‘Restore our Oceans and Waters’.

Proposals must involve, at least, three Full Member Organisations of EuroMarine (2024 members) from, at least, two different countries and activities should be carried out within 2025. EuroMarine will accept hybrid or online events, and the budget should reflect the chosen format.

More information available here.