Researchers Felisa Rey, Diana Lopes and Rosário Domingues from CESAM and the UA Department of Chemistry obtained funding from EuroMarine (European Marine Research Network) to organize a foresight workshop on marine lipidomics at the University of Aveiro.
OMALI | Omega MARine LIpids – Enhancing the exploration and analysis of marine-derived lipids for healthy and sustainable diets was one of three proposals funded by EuroMarine in the 2024 competition. This workshop aims to bring together an interdisciplinary group of experts in the field of marine lipids to promote the creation of a collaborative network.
OMALI will explore the various applications of marine lipids in nutrition, focusing on two main areas: human nutrition and animal nutrition. The workshop’s scientific program stands out for its excellence, covering a wide range of topics related to marine lipidomics, from analysis techniques to its technological applications.
The Workshop will take place at the University of Aveiro from the 16th to the 18th of June 2025 and will also involve researchers from other research centers, namely CSIC (Spain) and CIIMAR. Registration will soon be available for professionals in the field of marine lipids as well as young researchers and students.
For more information see the EuroMarine here.