Kick-off meeting for a new LIFE project in collaboration with CESAM

On January 25th and 26th, the kick-off meeting for the newly initiated project LIFE LUPI-LYNX, titled “Creating Socioecological Conditions for the Expansion of Iberian Wolf and Iberian Lynx,” took place in Pinhel. The project is coordinated by Rewilding Portugal, with the University of Aveiro as a partner. 

The meeting was attended by researchers Rita Torres, Eduardo Ferreira, João Carvalho, as well as doctoral students Mariana Rossa and Paloma Linck. All other project partners were also present: Rewilding Portugal, Grupo Lobo, BIOPOLIS/CIBIO, the Municipality of Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo (Plataforma da Ciência Aberta), AMUS (Acción por el Mundo Salvaje) and Junta de Extremadura. 

This project aims to establish the necessary socioecological conditions for the Iberian wolf and Iberian lynx in a transboundary area south of the Douro River, where both species are undergoing recolonization. Enhancements in ecological conditions will include increasing the abundance of wild prey and improving habitats, while social improvements will involve promoting positive coexistence with rural communities and fostering socio-economic development. Additionally, the project seeks to enhance capacity and facilitate knowledge exchange in the assessment of damage prevention and the detection of environmental crimes. 

Text by: CESAM in collaboration with Rita Tinoco