Documentary on the importance of sardines in our history and culture. It explores the exchange of arguments among fishermen, regulators, and scientists, showcasing the art of purse seine fishing for sardines. Uncovering previously unknown stories and information, it takes a different and original approach to the theme of sardine fishing. The documentary was produced for RTP as part of the content consultation with audiovisual production companies.
Produced by: Play Solutions Audiovisuais
Author: Joaquim Pedro Ferreira (CESAM & UA) and Bruno Pinto (MARE)
Direction: Pedro Miguel Ferreira (Play Solutions Audiovisuais), Joaquim Pedro Ferreira (CESAM & UA)
Editing: Inês Tomé (Play Solutions Audiovisuais)
Sound Design: Billyboom Sound Design
Scientific Coordination: CESAM & UA
Duration: 52m Aired: 2022 on RTP1, RTP Internacional, RTP África.
Audiovisual content only available in Portuguese.