Joana Isabel do Vale Lourenço

citation names

Lourenço, J.

academic degrees

PhD on Molecular Biology and Genetics with the classification of approved by the University of Aveiro, Portugal, with the thesis entitled “Evaluation of genotoxic effects in humans and bioindicator species from an abandoned uranium mine area”, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal – 2012

BsC in Biology (Licenciatura Pré-Bolonha) by the University of Évora, with a final score of 15 out of 20, with the work entitled “Genotoxic effects in european eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) exposed to Benzo[a]pirene”, University of Évora, Évora, Portugal – 2006

research interests

Radiation biology:
Effects of ionizing radiation on humans (Genotoxicity; Gene expression profiling and mutation analysis; DNA repair)

Environmental toxicology applied to radioecogenotoxicology (namely on uranium mines):
Effects of exposure to ionizing radiation and metals on bioindicator species (Genotoxicity; Gene expression profiling and mutation analysis; DNA repair)


Master: Letícia Vieira
Master: Ricardo Santos
Master: André José Pereira Campos
Master: Ana Sofia Vaz