Luís Menezes Pinheiro, Associate Professor and Researcher at CESAM/DGEO awarded the Military Medal of the Naval Cross

Luís Menezes Pinheiro, Associate Professor at the Department of Geosciences at the University of Aveiro and researcher at CESAM, was awarded the Military Medal of the Naval Cross, 1st Class.

The prestigious decoration was presented by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo, in a session that took place at the Navy Academy. This decoration aims to distinguish military and civilian personnel, national or foreign, who, in the technical-professional sphere, reveal high competence, extraordinary performance and relevant personal qualities, contributing significantly to the efficiency, prestige and fulfillment of the mission of the Ministry of National Defense, the General Staff of the Armed Forces or the respective branch. Remember that Luís Menezes Pinheiro is the coordinator of the National Committee for the Ocean Decade.

This recognition illustrates the involvement, and active participation, of CESAM researchers in maritime issues.

This distinction also reinforces the relevance and contribution of CESAM to maritime policies and the valorization of marine resources, which is reflected, for example, through its contribution to the drafting of the oceans declaration presented at the United Nations Ocean Conference.

It should be remembered that this year, the city of Aveiro was the stage for the Navy Day Program, which had a strong participation from CESAM and the University of Aveiro.

(Text by: CESAM’s Communication, Promotion and Dissemination Office; Image: Comité Nacional para a Década do Oceano)