This work seeks to answer these challenges related to valorisation of low quality Residual Forest Biomass (RFB) through production of biochar by pyrolysis, which can return back to forest and rural soils to improve nutrient content and productivity, thus reducing fertilisation demand with associated economic gains. This approach will provide both carbon/nutrient cycling and synergies within forestry management, wildfire prevention, improvement of soil quality and rural development, under the circular economy principle.
The following research topics will be addressed: i) characterization of RFB from forestry maintenance operations; ii) characterization of the pyrolysis process of RFB, iii) development/optimization of an innovative prototype of an integrated mobile unit for biochar production by pyrolysis of RFB with continuous operation; iii) evaluation and retrofitting of properties of the biochar produced as soil conditioner; iv) evaluation of economic impacts of this practice in management and valorisation of RFB in rural areas.
The methodological approach involves testing and demonstration through lab- and pilot-scale experiments, including construction of a mobile integrated pyrolysis prototype unit with continuous operation for in-situ production of biochar in rural/forest areas, and with innovative degree of energy integration and optimized for low emissions of gaseous pollutants. The tasks are planned to assess the relationship between pyrolysis process operating parameters and properties of the biochar produced, its added-value as soil amendment and the scale effect of operation towards development of sustainable business models.