DEEPBaseline: Co-creating a knowledge baseline on the diversity and distribution os sponge and coral vulnerable marine ecosystems of the Portuguese continental shelf


Joana R. Xavier

CESAM Responsible researcher

Ana Hilário


Ocean Conservation Fund


01/04/2020 - 31/08/2022

Total Funding

59700 €

Proponent Institution

CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research

Participating Institutions

  • IPMA

DEEPbaseline is an interdisciplinary project aimed at developing a framework for the co-creation of a knowledge baseline on the
diversity and distribution of deep-sea sponge and coral vulnerable species and ecosystems of the continental shelf and upper
slope of mainland Portugal. DEEPbaseline brings together scientists from four partner institutions (CIIMAR, IPMA, CESAM and
Okeanos), local fishing communities and associations, fisheries managers, and the wider society to foster awareness and
advance conservation actions towards their sustainability.
Participatory approaches (interviews and surveys) will be conducted with local fishers of bottom-contacting gear (e.g. beam-trawl,
bottom longline) to gather Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) on the spatial and historical occurrence of sponge and coral species
and habitats in the region. This information will be combined with Conventional Scientific Knowledge (CSK) derived from: a review
of the scientific literature; bycatch data from multi-annual bottom-trawl scientific surveys; and the analyses of bycatch samples,
collected during such surveys as well as by the participant fishers, using an integrative taxonomic approach.
Knowledge (LEK and CSK) obtained and generated will be translated into management-support tools (identification guides,
distribution maps, online database) and transferred to key end-users to inform the selection of high biodiversity areas to be
protected, and support the implementation of regional and (inter)national regimes for conservation and sustainable use these
habitats and the resources they encompass.
Training activities will be developed to capacitate and engage local fishers and fisheries observers on the identification and
reporting of VME-indicator species, ensuring long-term impact and sustainability of the project and its goals.

CESAM members in the project

Cristina Brice Pita

Professora Auxiliar Convidada