MASS Spectrometry TRaining network for Protein Lipid adduct ANalysis


Corinne Spickett

CESAM Responsible researcher

Maria do Rosário Domingues


H2020 - MSCA-ITN


01/10/2015 - 30/09/2019

Funding for CESAM

476 712 €

Total Funding

3 545 010 €

Funding Entity

EC - European Commission

Proponent Institution

Aston University, UK

Participating Institutions

  • Universidade de Aveiro (PT)
  • Universitaet Leipzig (DE)
  • Universita degli Studi di Milano (IT)
  • VIB VZW (BE)
  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (ES)
  • Centro Cardiologico Monzino (IT)
  • Instituto Portugues do Sangue e da Transplantacao IP (PT)
  • Mologic Ltd (UK)
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific (Bremen) GmbH (DE)
  • Centro Hospitalar e Universitario de Coimbra EPE (PT)



MASSTRPLAN will train the next generation of interdisciplinary research leaders in advanced molecular analytical techniques to detect oxidized phospholipids & proteins in biological & clinical samples, evaluate their biochemical roles in inflammation, and translate these findings to develop new diagnostic tools.
Chronic inflammatory diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD) & cancer are major causes of mortality and cost the EU economy dearly in healthcare and lost working time; CVD alone is estimated to be responsible for 47% of deaths and to cost the EU €196 billion a year. Scientists able to develop advanced analytical tools for detecting oxidative biomolecule modifications and assessing their contribution to cell dysfunction & disease are urgently needed.
The objectives of MASSTRPLAN are to 1) train early stage researchers (ESRs) in advanced and novel chromatography, mass spectrometry, and complementary techniques including microscopy and bioinformatics to detect challenging heterogeneous biomolecule modifications and determine their functional effects; 2) give ESRs a broad perspective on relevance & mechanisms of oxidative modifications in pathophysiology and biotechnology; 3) enable ESRs trained in technology development to engage effectively with the clinical sector; and 4) train ESRs in translational and development skills to produce new protocols, materials and commercializable diagnostic tools.
The ETN will achieve this by bringing together 10 beneficiaries and 15 partners from academic, industrial and healthcare organizations working in analytical, bioinformatic, biological, clinical & biotech fields to provide multidisciplinary, cross-sector training. Extensive mobility, industrial secondments and network-wide training will yield a cohort of analytical scientists with the unique theoretical, technological, and entrepreneurial skill set to yield new understanding of oxidative inflammatory disorders, leading to better tools and therapies.