Supporting the national strandings network: North of Portugal


Catarina I. C. S. Eira


Fundo Ambiental


19/02/2021 - 30/11/2021

Funding for CESAM

130000 €

Total Funding

130000 €


Monitoring sea turtle and marine mammal populations on the Portuguese coast allows to quantify mortality rates for each of the species that occur in the Continental Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Sea turtle and marine mammal strandings occur in all regions where these specimens are present. The main objectives of this project taking place in the northern part of Portugal (between Caminha and Peniche) include (1) to systematically collect information on the patterns of occurrence and distribution of the main sea turtle and marine mammal species, (2) to assess the main mortality causes, (3) to collect samples and characterize the biology and ecology of the most common species, (4) to coordinate effective responses in unusual mortality events or live strandings and (5) to enhance and disseminate scientific knowledge about the marine environment while promoting Ocean Literacy.