CESAM scientific publication among the most viewed in Marine Drugs journal in 2024

The review article “Marine Animal Co-Products—How Improving Their Use as Rich Sources of Health-Promoting Lipids Can Foster Sustainability”, authored by CESAM members João Monteiro, Rosário Domingues and Ricardo Calado, was highlighted by the international publisher MDPI as one of the 10 articles published in 2024 in Marine Drugs with the most views; the article has been viewed more than 5400 times since its publication, in a universe of more than 500 articles published by Marine Drugs in 2024. This publication is a deliverable of the Transversal Project “Co-Products Valorization Platform” within the scope of the Blue Bioeconomy Pact financed by funds from the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Citation: Monteiro, J.P.; Domingues, M.R.; Calado, R. Marine Animal Co-Products—How Improving Their Use as Rich Sources of Health-Promoting Lipids Can Foster Sustainability. Mar. Drugs 2024, 22, 73. https://doi.org/10.3390/md22020073