The second meeting of the COASTAL project

The second meeting of the COASTAL Project, “Microfluidic Sensors for the Rapid Detection of Marine Toxins in Sustainable Aquaculture,” took place in Oslo on September 14 and 15 with the aim of evaluating the progress of the scheduled tasks. Experts in the field of electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, and the manufacture of micro and nanobiosensors from SINTEF, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FV) at the University of Norway, the Center for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) at the Universidade de Aveiro, and the Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) participated in this meeting.

Advancements were noted in the development of the design, production, assembly, and testing of the first prototypes of the microfluidic cell for the detection of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins (PST), including sensors and biosensors capable of detecting 5 PST analogs in bivalve samples. Two sets of chemical sensors and biosensors were selected based on the predominant PST profiles on the coasts of Portugal and Norway, and their performance showed promise.

During the meeting, technical visits were conducted to SINTEF to learn about prototype manufacturing and to FV to explore the use of reference methodologies for monitoring PST analogs. Next steps were established, and potential future developments were discussed.

To learn more about the COASTAL Project: COASTAL PROJECT – MiCrofluidic sensOrs for rApid detection of marine toxins in SusTainable AquacuLture

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