03 Maio 2019 | Anfiteatro do Edifício 03
[Só disponível em inglês]
Based on an integrative research approach, this workshop (WS) aims to present CESAM’s contributions in the fields of sustainable spatial planning and environmental management – applicable to different environments and geographical scales, such as rural and urban environments as well as coastal and marine areas. In the context of this WS, tools for spatial analysis, planning and management will be presented and action plans for local, regional and European development will be discussed. Recognizing this theme as a priority, the WS aims to boost the discussion on this topic among the scientific community and stakeholders.
WS Scientific Commission:
Carlos Fonseca, João Miguel Dias, Peter Roebeling, Catarina Eira
WS Organizing Commission:
Ana Sofia Santiago, Inês Rosa, Patrícia Lito
Open session Ana Isabel Lillebø
Session I – Terrestrial ecosystems (Chair: Carlos Fonseca)
Ecosystem conservation and management: a multidisciplinary approach Carlos Fonseca
Post-fire land management policies and planning in Portugal: a utopia?
Cristina Ribeiro, Sandra Valente, Celeste Coelho, Luuk Fleskens, Jacob Keizer
Post-fire regeneration of Arbutus unedo L. in Central Portugal: the role of plant size, fire severity and disturbance history
José Cunha, Carlos Fonseca, Paula Maia
Environmental performance of two forest biomass conversion technologies to produce electricity: Grate furnace and fluidised bed
Tamíris Pacheco da Costa, Paula Quinteiro, Luís António da Cruz Tarelho, Luís Arroja, Ana Cláudia Dias
Is there parasite cross-transmission between endangered Iberian wolf and their wild preys?
Ana M. Figueiredo, Rita Tinoco Torres, Tânia Barros, Rafael Calero-Bernal, David Carmena, Ana M. Valente, Carlos Fonseca, Luís Madeira de Carvalho
Brown bear damage: patterns and hotspots in Croatia
Dário Hipólito, Slaven Relji?, Luís Miguel Rosalino, Seth M. Wilson, Carlos Fonseca, ?uro Huber
Coffee break
Session II – Urban socio-ecological systems (Chair: Peter Roebeling)
Frontiers in sustainable urban development: tackling societal challenges through ecological systems Carlos Borrego
Life cycle assessment of wood pellets and wood logs for residential heating
Paula Quinteiro, Luís Tarelho, Paula Marques, Martin Martin-Gamboa, F. Freire, Luis Arroja, Ana C. Dias
Sustainable management and conservation of semi-natural green spaces of the UA Campus and their provided ecosystem services
David da Silva Alves, Paula Maia, Olga Ameixa
The role of the urban areas on inland ozone air pollution
Alexandra Monteiro, Ana Isabel Miranda, Carlos Borrego
Air quality spatiotemporal patterns in Aveiro
Carla Gama, Alexandra Monteiro
Assessing economic instruments to steer urban sprawl
Rita Mendonça, Peter Roebeling
Session III – Costal zones (Chair: João Miguel Dias)
Climate Change impact on NW Iberian Peninsula coast and main estuarine systems
Magda Sousa, DF
Climate change impact on longshore sediment transport: Costa Nova Beach (NW Portugal)
Sandra Fernández-Fernández, Paulo A. Silva, Caroline C. Ferreira, Carlos Coelho, Pablo E. Carracedo-García
Optimal Conditions for Aquaculture Exploitation in Ria de Aveiro: a Numerical Modelling Approach
Leandro Vaz, João Miguel Dias
PERICLES: preserving and sustainably governing maritime cultural heritage in Europe
Alexandra Baixinho, Margarida Silva, Cristina Pita
Building-up knowledge towards the integrated management of coastal ecosystems under the risk of salinization
Cátia Venâncio, Matilde Moreira-Santos, Isabel Lopes
Natural and anthropogenic drivers modified salt marshes’ plant diversity and blue carbon storage at Baixo Vouga Lagunar
Ana I. Sousa, Olga Ameixa, Fernando Leão, Mariana Morgado, Nuno Rodrigues, Rosa Pinho, Ana I. Lillebø
Session IV – Marine area (Chair: Catarina Eira)
Proposals for Marine Protected Areas Management plans: integrating Marine Directives Catarina Eira
LESSisMORE – LESS discards and LESS fishing effort for BETTER efficiency on the small-scale fisheries
Tereza Fonseca, Cristina Pita
Photodegradation as a tool for improving aquaculture wastewater quality
Vitória Louros, Carla Patrícia Silva, Marta Otero, Helena Nadais, Valdemar I. Esteves, Diana L.D. Lima
Sustainable fishing: Conservation measures and set nets
Andreia T. Pereira
Evaluation of the vulnerability of the Natura 2000 Network of the Ria de Aveiro to the impacts of marine alien species
Diana Pinheiro, Heliana Teixeira, Ana Lillebø
Future impact of shipping emissions on air quality in Portugal
Michael Russo, Alexandra Monteiro, Carla Gama, Carlos Borrego
15h30 – 16h30
Discussion Forum
Confirmed stakeholders:
- ACHLI – Associação de Conservação do Habitat do Lobo Ibérico
- APA-ARH Centro – Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, Administração da Região Hidrográfica do Centro
- APARA – Associação de Pesca Artesanal da Região de Aveiro
- CCDR-C – Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro
- CIRA – Comunidade Intermunicipal da Região de Aveiro
- Cooperativa de produtores de Peixe do Centro Litoral
- ICNF – Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas, Departamento de Recursos Naturais e Conservação da Natureza
- Polis Litoral Ria de Aveiro – Sociedade para a Requalificação e Valorização da Ria de Aveiro
- Recurso – Estudos e Projetos de Ambiente e Planeamento Lda.