27 de abril, às 15h00, no ZOOM
O próximo seminário do grupo POMG será apresentado pelo Renato Mendes que é atualmente investigador do Laboratório de Sistemas e Tecnologias Subaquáticas (LSTS) da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto e do Laboratório Colaborativo + Atlantic (Peniche).
Renato Mendes é doutorado pela Universidade de Aveiro em Oceanografia Física (2016) e mestre em Meteorologia e Oceanografia Física (2010) pela mesma Universidade.
Atualmente é investigador em Pós Doutoramento.
Informações adicionais podem ser consultadas página do LSTS – https://lsts.fe.up.pt/team/renato-mendes
JUNO: Robotic exploration of Atlantic waters
JUNO is built around one ambitious idea: complete a solo oceanic crossing from mainland Portugal to the Azores using an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) with remote, shore-based control and supervision. This technological challenge is primarily driven by the scientific need for more sustainable methodologies to observe the ocean with high spatial and temporal resolutions.
The JUNO ASV platform (Caravel) will be based on a green-energy wave-powered ASV equipped with several sensors at the surface. The datasets collected by Caravel will have high spatial and temporal resolutions to support substantial contributions regarding the characterisation of sub-mesoscale features (<10 km) off the Portuguese shelf. In a large-scale journey, the JUNO project will enable synoptic observations of transient features, especially regarding upwelling fronts, eddies, and internal waves in the Atlantic waters. The new scientific knowledge will allow us to reveal and characterise those phenomena at the sub-mesoscale in tandem with other data sources.
Along its journey, the Caravel will be remotely supervised from an Ocean Space Center (OSC) control room located in Porto. The OSC will enable remote supervision, data ingestion, and planning by integrating ocean models and remote sensing data products. The OSC will deploy new software to endow the JUNO system with adaptive risk-minimizing sampling capabilities. The software will implement risk models and trajectory optimisation algorithms for the appropriate time and spatial scales.
This endeavour will advance the systematic use of autonomous robots in marine sciences in Portugal. Thus, the project’s primary goal is to develop and deploy a robotic platform for long-endurance observation. The new datasets will lay the work practice foundations for future autonomous platforms in Atlantic waters targeting interdisciplinary studies and developing new methods using multiple data sources and interconnected knowledge.