On the upcoming February 23rd, at 12:30, in room 9.1.1 of DEMAC, another remote edition of the “Ocean Break” seminar series will take place, focusing on ocean-related research at CESAM.
This time, researcher Henrique Queiroga from CESAM/DBio will give a presentation titled “Allocation Plan for Offshore Renewable Energies”.
The Allocation Plan for Offshore Renewable Energies (PAER) aims to achieve a production capacity of 10 GW of electric energy by 2030, based on wind generators. Given the depth of the preferred areas for the development of wind parks, the turbines will have to be mounted on floating platforms. Currently, there are no floating wind parks in commercial operation anywhere in the world. A project of this magnitude implies the introduction of an unusually large area of hard artificial substrate, with impacts on the ecosystem that are both positive (CO2 capture, reef effect…) and negative (disturbances in stratification, reduction in phytoplankton biomass, dispersal corridor for species…), which are difficult to quantify. The limitations on fishing activity that this implies could also have positive impacts (lower fishing mortality, prohibition of bottom trawling…) and negative ones (relocation of fishing effort, interference with nature protection areas…) that are difficult to predict. These uncertainties advocate for a cautious approach in the development of this plan and constitute significant opportunities for ocean monitoring and research.