On June 12, as an integral part of the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress (SRI), Alternet Day took place in Helsinki, Finland. The SRI congress brought together global leaders in research, policymakers, and stakeholders, fostering collaboration among various entities to drive advancements towards sustainability. Alternet, which connects researchers from 21 European countries, promoted the science-policy interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The central theme of this event was nature restoration, featuring three distinct sessions: Science-policy interface to support nature restoration (Session 1), Ecosystem restoration for biodiversity and multiple ecosystem benefits (Session 2), and Governance of nature restoration (Session 3). Session 2 included a keynote by the researcher Doctor Ana Lillebø (CESAM/DBIO), Vice-Chair of Alternet, titled “Coastal Restoration with Nature and People: showcasing a living lab approach”.

To access Ana Lillebø’s presentation and others, please click here.

(Text by: CESAM’s Communication, Promotion and Dissemination Office)

This year, the city of Aveiro hosted the Navy Day Programme, which featured significant participation from CESAM and the University of Aveiro. Navy Day was marked by the colloquium “The Sea: Traditions and Challenges” held on 17th May at the University’s Rectorate, with the following CESAM members participating:

Amadeu Soares, Professor and Scientific Coordinator of CESAM, served as a member of the Scientific Committee;

Ana Hilário, Researcher (CESAM/DBIO), served as a member of the Organising Committee, moderated the 2nd panel “The Sea: Current Challenges I – Practice Directed Towards Sustainability,” and gave the oral presentation “Exploration and Monitoring of Deep Sea Ecosystems”;

Ana Lillebø, Researcher (CESAM/DBIO), served as a member of the Scientific Committee and gave the oral presentation “Mission Recover Our Ocean and Waters by 2030, Focusing on the Atlantic-Arctic Basin”;

Fátima Alves, Professor, Deputy Coordinator of CESAM, and Director of DAO, served as a member of the Organising Committee;

Luís Menezes Pinheiro, Professor (CESAM/DGEO), President of the Scientific Committee, gave the oral presentation “Challenges of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development”;

Ricardo Calado, Researcher (CESAM/DBIO), gave the oral presentation “Blue Biotechnology and Sustainability”.

To conclude the celebrations, on 21st May, CESAM’s vessel Nereide accompanied the training ship Sagres from the port of Aveiro, where it was docked as part of the Navy Day celebrations, to its departure to the sea. Onboard were several professors and researchers associated with marine studies, including Luís Menezes Pinheiro, Nuno Vaz (CESAM/DFIS), Clara Rodrigues (CESAM/BIO), Shi Quan Ooi, Catarina Eira (CESAM/DBIO), and Henrique Queiroga (CESAM/DBIO), who joined this event.

Watch the video of the voyage here.

(Text by: CESAM’s Communication, Promotion, and Dissemination Service)

From the 23rd to the 25th of April, the inaugural RethinkBlue international conference convened, facilitated by EU COST Action CA22122 – Rethinking the Blue Economy: Socio-Ecological Impacts and Opportunities. The event, supported by COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology, the University of Zadar, and the Croatian Science Foundation, served as a forum for scholars and experts to delve into the multifaceted dimensions of the Blue Economy.

Throughout the conference, attendees engaged in discussions and presentations centered on research concerning the social, environmental, and economic facets of the Blue Economy. Topics of discourse encompassed maritime occupations, food security, sustainable blue consumption, port cities, coastal communities, fisheries governance, marine tourism, emergent activities, climate change, and natural hazards.

Cristina Pita (CESAM/DAO) plays a pivotal role in this COST Action as a member of the Management Committee and as the leader of the Working Group “Food Security & Sustainable Blue Consumption”.

For further insights into this COST Action, additional information can be accessed here and here.

(Text by: Tânia Barros)

Organised for the first time in 2023, the European Ocean Days took place during the week of 4 to 8 March and included a series of events related to European maritime topics, covering the EU Mission Ocean and Waters, future priorities for Europe’s seas, blue innovation and investment opportunities, as well as ocean literacy activities. On 4th March, A-AAGORA was present at the matchmaking event, hosted by CINEA, gathering 40 Mission research projects and CSAs, soon to be joined by an additional 23 HE projects under negotiations. This private meeting was an important moment for Mission Ocean and Waters as all Mission funded projects came together, in the same room, for the first time. The meeting aimed to foster collaboration and address key challenges to safeguard Europe’s marine environment and A-AAGORA actively contributed to the panel discussions. The second Annual Forum of the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters” took place on 5th March, to take stock of the Mission’s progress and major achievements, mobilise relevant actors around key Mission deliverables and prepare the ground for the next phase of the Mission, moving from demonstration to deployment. It was an opportunity for the coordinators of A-AAGORA, Climarest, Prep4Blue and BlueMissionAA to come together and discuss synergies and possible collaborations.

On Wednesday 6th March, Ana Lillebø, coordinator of A-AAGORA, participated in the side event at the European Parliament as a signatory of the Mission, representing the University of Aveiro. This was an opportunity to discuss about the Missions together with the Members of the European Parliament on how to contribute to turn ideas into concrete actions where European citizens vote.

The 11th edition of the World Ocean Summit by The Economist returned to FIL, Lisbon, from 11 to 13 March, leading the way to spark conversation and action in the transition to a sustainable ocean economy. 

Helena Vieira, researcher at CESAM, UAveiro and ERA Chair of the BESIDE EU project, participated as invited speaker in the panel “How can research, technology and innovation come together to restore the health of the oceans?” taking place on 11 March at 17:10h. The session discussed why it is difficult to foster collaboration and implement multi-stakeholder solutions for a sustainable ocean, and how the latest research and technology can contribute to a circular economy.  

Being a research expert in sustainable blue bioeconomy research and innovation and leading a team of researchers and students developing scientific knowledge in the wider field of Environmental and Natural Resources Economics, Helena hopes to further leverage CESAM’s position and expertise in this arena and demonstrate how science can impact strategic decision making for policy makers and industries that aim to shift the societal paradigm of sustainable development.  

The World Ocean Summit is a high-level annual flagship event by The Economist, that brings together government representatives, national and international policy makers, business and finance, members of civil society and academia. With more than 200 speakers from across the global ocean community and over 1,500 attendees, the event provides an excellent platform for networking, brainstorming and delivering practical solutions for businesses and organisations working to restore ocean health. The 2024 agenda will focus on ocean health, industry strategies to accelerate the sustainable ocean economy, and ocean-climate solutions.  

  • Educo2cean: Aquaculture [EN]
  • Educo2cean: Carbon capture and storage [EN]
  • Educo2cean: Climate change in Earth history [EN]
  • Educo2cean: Climate change and fisheries [EN]
  • Educo2cean: Coastal Erosion [EN]
  • Educo2cean: Impacts of Ocean Acidification [EN]

Do ar à água aims to showcase the biodiversity we have, sometimes very close to us, as well as some aspects of its ecology and biology. It encompasses four documentaries and seeks to raise awareness of the scenic beauty and biological diversity of the wetlands in our country. Mainly focused on the Ria de Aveiro, this was a project funded by Ciência Viva through the MEDIA CIÊNCIA program, supported by COMPETE.

Four scientific documentaries on aspects of the biodiversity of the Ria de Aveiro, produced and directed by the Department of Biology and the Information and Communication Technologies Services of the University of Aveiro, in collaboration with IDAD. The From Air to Water project is funded by Ciência Viva through the MEDIA CIÊNCIA program, supported by COMPETE – Operational Program for Competitiveness Factors in the area of Promotion of Scientific and Technological Culture.

Audiovisual content only available in Portuguese.

Initiative from the University of Aveiro. Selection of videos involving members of CESAM.

Audiovisual content only available in Portuguese.

  • What is antibiotic resistance? [PT]
  • What are nature-based solutions (UNaLab Project – Urban Nature Labs) [EN]