CESAM at Xperimenta 2024 with the activity “Discovering Lipids – the Lipodrome in Action”

On April 30th, May 2nd, and May 3rd, a group of doctoral students from CESAM and the Lipidomics Laboratory of the Mass Spectrometry Center at the University of Aveiro (CEM-UA) (Helena Ferreira, Inês Guerra, Marisa Pinho, and Tatiana Maurício) presented the activity “Discovering Lipids – the Lipodrome in Action” at the Xperimenta 2024 event. In this activity, the Lipodrome board game developed by the COST Action CA19105 EpiLipidNET, coordinated by the researcher Rosário Domingues (CESAM/QUI), was presented. This game provided a didactic and playful way to demonstrate how different types of foods transport lipids that are essential or harmful to our health. Thus, this activity, which involved a diverse group of participants, provided an opportunity to explore the relationship between dietary choices and health.

The realization of this event allowed the Lipidomics Laboratory (CEM-UA), CESAM, and CA EpiLipidNET to contribute to the education and engagement of the general public in the complex world of lipids.  The Lipodrome is included as a permanent activity at the Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro.

(Text adaptation by: Tânia Barros; Original text by: Inês Guerra)