Researchers Bruno Nunes, Principal Investigator and Olga Ameixa, Assistant Researcher, both from CESAM/DBIO and Teresa Rocha-Santos, Principal Investigator from CESAM/DQUI, have been appointed to the management committees of three COST actions: ENVIRANT – Environmental impact of anthelmintics in livestock and alternatives to minimize their use; GIN-TONIC – Group on Insect Nutrition: To Open Nutritional Innovative Challenges; and ICPLASTIC – ISO compatible, efficient and reproducible protocols/equipment for mICro-nanoPLASTIC detection through machine learning, respectively.
These researchers have been involved in the proposals since the application phase and will now take on a more active role: the Management Committee is responsible for the coordination, execution, and management of a COST Action.
The ENVIRANT action aims to advance, consolidate, and disseminate research and knowledge on the environmental occurrence and ecological impact of anthelmintics administered to livestock and propose more sustainable practices and methods to minimize their use in controlling helminth infections. Researcher Bruno Nunes was invited to participate in this action due to his work in the environmental assessment of pharmaceuticals, both human and veterinary, including some antiparasitics like ivermectin. This drug is used as an antiparasitic in animals and has been studied by Bruno Nunes through the supervision of theses and publication of studies.
The GIN-TONIC action seeks to address a current gap in the insect production industry: although the number of studies on insect nutrition has grown exponentially, the fundamental knowledge required about nutritional requirements remains deficient and, more importantly, fragmented. This project aims to create a platform where this knowledge from academic and industrial partners is grouped, synthesized, and made available. The action aims to act as a link between applied and fundamental research, promoting collective knowledge and fostering business opportunities. Researcher Olga Ameixa was invited to participate in this action due to her experience and publications in the fields of insect nutrition, physiology, feeding behavior, and the utilization of by-products from various agri-food industries for insect feeding.
The ICPLASTIC action aims to develop methodologies and equipment for sampling, sample preparation, and analysis of micro(nano)plastics to support ISO methods and water quality legislation, also contributing to toxicological/environmental studies to fill knowledge gaps in risk analysis/occurrence. Researcher Teresa Rocha-Santos was invited to participate in this action due to her experience and publications in the field of environmental analytical chemistry.
A COST Action funds transnational collaboration activities in a bottom-up, open-access network system for researchers in all scientific and technological domains for four years. COST Actions typically include researchers (with an emphasis on young researchers) from academia, SMEs, public institutions, and other relevant organizations and/or stakeholders. COST Actions provide an inclusive, pan-European environment where individuals at all levels of experience can develop their professional research network, boost their careers, and increase the impact of their research.
(Text by: CESAM’s Communication, Promotion and Dissemination Office)