National Sea Day marked by the signing of the Agreement between CESAM/UA and IPMA

Today, November 16, 2023, National Sea Day, the Center for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) at the University of Aveiro and the Portuguese Institute for the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA) establish a cooperation protocol. This new agreement reflects the institutions’ commitment to sustainable research, aiming to promote collaboration in areas of mutual interest, marking a significant step in the promotion of sustainable marine research.

According to the scientific coordinator of CESAM, Prof. Amadeu Soares, “research on the sea is naturally one of the priority areas for CESAM. The signing of this protocol, which was missing, is an important milestone with which we mark National Sea Day. With it, we intend to expand the existing collaboration between CESAM and IPMA in the field of Meteorology to the other scientific areas of interest of both IPMA and CESAM.”

The protocol, considering the assignments of IPMA and the University of Aveiro through CESAM, aims to promote collaboration in areas of mutual interest, especially in marine research and management. Among the highlighted assignments are the promotion of sustainable exploitation of marine resources, the preservation of marine biodiversity, the conduct of scientific research, and the increase in technology transfer activities.

The agreement establishes forms of bilateral collaboration, including the use of human resources, technical means, and technological infrastructures, the implementation of joint research projects, and the facilitation of access to scientific information.

The protocol is initially valid for one year, with the possibility of automatic renewal for equal periods.

This protocol marks a significant step towards promoting sustainable marine research, reflecting the commitment of CESAM, the University of Aveiro, and IPMA to the development and deepening of cooperation actions for scientific and technological knowledge in marine and environmental areas.

Text by: CESAM