The InsectERA Agenda aims to foster the circular economy and leverage the development of new products, processes and services based on R&D and innovation, with high added value and incorporation of knowledge and technology, allowing to meet the challenge of the green transition towards environmental sustainability. The Agenda covers the whole innovation cycle, from R&D to manufacturing and commercialisation of products in the market, supported by technologically advanced production.It is based on four vertical WP: InFood: use of insects as an alternative/sustainable nutritional source in food products; InFeed: use of insects as a nutritional source in sustainable animal feed; InIndustry: use of insect-derived products (new raw materials for industry, such as cosmetics or bioplastics); InBiorremediation: use of insects as a tool for bioremediation, such as the disposal of livestock effluents and urban organic waste. Two horizontal WPs run through the vertical ones: Raw Materials and Production, on the use of insects as a healthy and sustainable alternative nutritional source in 15 new lines of products for human consumption, and IN4.0, on the use of insects as a nutritional source in a more sustainable and locally sourced animal feed with 8 new product lines (feed). Finally, three transversal WPs are also taking part in the Agenda: InFrass, One Health and IN2MARKET. The InFrass WP deals with the organic matter biodigestion process, which generates a high quality organic fertilizer, with rapid and stable production, ready for direct application to the soil. This product, called Insect Frass, comprises insect waste and decomposed material. The One Health WP tackles the impacts on human, animal and environmental health regarding all products generated in the various axes of the project. Therefore, this WP aims to carry out risk assessments and product quality and safety studies, including evaluating the ecotoxicity of products. InsectERA WP IN2MARKET conducts an extensive study of the entire sector to ensure the passage of new products to the market, particularly at the legal level, the consumer level, life cycle assessment, dissemination, human resources training and exploration.