The growing interest in cultured macroalgae for food, feed and pharma in Western countries demands a new knowledge on their constituents and new tools for traceability. Macroalgae’s polar lipids have nutritional, health benefits, and bioactive properties, contributing to their valorisation. Lack of knowledge on their polar lipidome hinders their full biotechnological potential. Lipids, pigments and elements (C:N:P ratios, δ(15) N values) are strictly dependent on macroalgae phylogeny, life stage and environment, being good potential tools for their traceability. This project aims to characterize the polar lipid profile of macroalgae produced on aquaculture using modern lipidomics, bioprospect bioactive compounds with anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activities, and to develop lipid, pigments, elemental signatures for product identification, origin certification and quality control of raw macroalgae and/or macroalgae-based products.