Sizenando Nogueira de Abreu

citation names

Abreu, Sizenando
Abreu, S.N.
Abreu, S.

academic degrees

2008 Ph. Degree in Biology, “Mercury Bioacumulation and Mercury dynamics in coastal lagunar ecosystem”. DeBio – UA
1997 Master degree in Sciences of Coastal zones, “Modeling mercury dispersion along Est. Estarreja”, Dep. Chemistry – UA.
1989 Graduation in Biology,”Electrophoretic analysis of isoenzymes in the genus Mugil”, DBio – UA

research interests

Development of New device towards de validation of Marine Model species.
D-counter: – automated organism counting an characterization mainly developed to be used in ecotoxicology assays, Patent US10591401B2, Patent ref. WO/2016/067202:
Development of new technology, self propelled platform for ongoing & insitu real time monitoring.
ACQUAvard: - portable self-propelled platform for automated insitu nutrients quantification using standard methodology, Patent ref. N.º 107219
Climate changes and Green House Gases.
Mercury Bioaccumulation, fish consumption and human exposure.
Mercury behaviour in coastal and estuarine aquatic systems.
Mercury bioacumulation in pyrite acid-mine drainages.
Dendrochemistry; trees as dataloggers.


Phd Researcher Under The Insider Project: Hugo Miguel Coelho Da Silva Vieira
Project: Ruy Santos
Project: Daniela Sampaio
Master: Hugo Miguel Coelho Da Silva Vieira
Master: Andreia Do Carmo Martins Rodrigues