Catarina Pires Ribeiro Ramos Marques

nomes de citação

Marques, Catarina R.

graus académicos

(2009) PhD in Biology by the University of Aveiro, under the topic “Study of the effects of pesticides on non-target organisms”.
(2003) MSc in Toxicology by the University of Aveiro under the topic “Toxic effects of acetylsalicylic acid and its metabolites on standard and autochthonous species”.
(2001) Graduation in Biology by the University of Aveiro.

interesses de investigação

• Bioremediation of mine areas (uranium, iron, and others)
• Bioremediation for sustainable aquaculture production
• Terrestrial & aquatic Ecotoxicology
• Environmental Microbiology
• Environmental Biotechnology

• Study of the structure of the microbiome associated with colorectal cancer. Research work approved by the Ethics Committee and Administration Board of Centro Hospitalar do Baixo Vouga, E.P.E., being developed in collaboration with different hospitalar services of this institution.
• Screening of new bioative substances to fight the progression of pancreatic cancer. Study approved by the Ethics Committee and Administration Board of Centro Hospitalar de Entre o Douro e Vouga, E.P.E., being developed in collaboration with this institution.
• Biotechnology: screening for bioactive substances naturally synthesized by microorganisms for different clinical applications (e.g., clinical infections, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer).


Sem informação para mostrar.

PhD: João Nuno Correia Rocha
Master: Ana Cristina Marques Da Silva
Master: Fátima Sofia Alves Baptista
Master: José Luís Nogueira Nunes
Master: Diana Da Conceição Marinho Pereira
PhD: Juan Carlos Mellidez
Master: Carla Filipa Norte Gomes
Master: Mafalda Sutil Tabuada
Projeto: Dulce Isabel Maciel Carvalho
Pesquisa: Ana Cristina Marques Da Silva
Estágio: Ana Cristina Marques Da Silva
Master: Nuno Emanuel Pinto Barcelos Martins