From January 23 to 24, we received a visit from the Attaché for Scientific and University Cooperation of the Embassy of France at the University of Aveiro. During this occasion, the Attaché expressed interest in getting acquainted with the ongoing research projects that involve collaboration between the University of Aveiro and French institutions/entities.
Yesterday, on January 24, CESAM researchers had the opportunity to present the 16 projects currently in development in partnership with French institutions. Each of these projects was showcased, highlighting their objectives, contributions, and impacts.
Explore the list of projects presented during this session:
- RaDoNorm – Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific evidence and social considerations
- CHRONIC – Chronic exposure scenarios driving environmental risks of chemicals
- PARC – Partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals
- BlueNIGHTs – A touch of blue in the EU researchers’ nights for a more sustainable use of the ocean
- DEEP REST – Conservation and restoration of deep-sea ecosystems in the context of deep-sea mining
- ARDECO – Assessing Resilience of DEep COrals
- RESTORE4Cs – Modelling restoration of wetlands for carbon pathways, climate change mitigation and adaptation, ecosystem services, and biodiversity, co-benefits
- A-AAGORA – Blueprint for atlantic-arctic agora on cross-sectoral cooperation for restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems and increased climate resilience through transformative innovation
- GES4SEAS– Achieving good environmental status for maintaining ecosystem services, by assessing integrated impacts of cumulative pressures
- B-CUBED – Biodiversity building blocks for policy
- SPRINT – Sustainable plant protection transition: a global health approach
- FIREURISK – Developing a holistic risk-wise strategy for european wildfire management
- PAUL – Pilot Application in Urban Landscapes
- DISTENDER – Developing Strategies by integrating mitigation, adaptation and participation to climate change risks
- SEA2SEE: Innovative blockchain traceability technology and stakeholders’ engagement strategy for boosting sustainable seafood visibility, social acceptance and consumption in Europe
- INCLUE – “From waste to resource: Training young researchers on developing innovative, circular solutions for wastewater treatment sludge”