Joana Cardoso Ferreira

nomes de citação

Ferreira, Joana

graus académicos

1998 – Degree in Environmental Engineering (5 years) at the University of Aveiro, final grade 16 (out of 20).
2007 – PhD in Environment Applied Sciences. Title of thesis: Relation Air Quality and Human Exposure to Atmospheric Pollutants

interesses de investigação

Air quality management and modelling
Atmospheric emissions estimation
Human exposure assessment
Policy oriented studies


Sem informação para mostrar.

PhD: Bruno Miguel Rocha Augusto
PhD: Silvia Coelho
Post-doc: Sandra Isabel Moreira Rafael
Post-doc: Joana Leitão Alexandre
Master: Andreia Lopes
Master: Bruno Duarte
Projeto De Licenciatura Em Engª Do Ambiente: Joana Garrido Andreia Lopes